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Parking and Traffic Safety

Before School

Students are to arrive at school no earlier than 8:55 a.m. All students who walk or are dropped off must enter through the West entrance on the blacktop. There is no supervision for students prior to 8:55 a.m. Students enter the building at 9:00 a.m.

Line up locations:

  • Bus Riders: Kindergartners and First Graders will line up at the Northeast entrance. Second thru Fifth graders line up at the Northwest entrance.
  • Car Riders/Walkers: Line up on the blacktop next to assigned class letter, West entrance.

An Educational Assistant (EA) will dismiss Parent Drop Off/Walkers to enter the building. Students go directly to their classrooms. Students must line up outside the classroom until their teacher, or other responsible adult allows them to enter the room.

After School

Teachers escort students to the bus loading zone, parent pick up zone or Cougar Club. For everyone’s safety, Educational Assistants are stationed at the crosswalks on Holly and Newport, parking lot crosswalks and the bus loading zone. In addition, School Safety Patrol students assist families in using the parking lot crosswalks.

  • Bus riders are to immediately load buses if the bus has arrived or wait quietly in line for buses that have not arrived. An EA will check to see if every class is out of the building before dismissing buses. For safety reasons, students who live in a bused area may not walk to school.
  • Car riders may go directly to cars parked along the curb in the pick-up zone. Parents parked in the lot must pick up their child in the sidewalk area at the South end of the school. Children may not go into the parking lot unless accompanied by an adult. Students may only enter the passenger side car door for safety in the pick-up zone area.
  • Walkers. Parents are encouraged to walk with their child or transport their child if they live in an area not served by school buses. (More information below under Walking To/From School)